
SBN Uganda

Country Nutrition Situation

Uganda faces challenges with anaemia among women of a reproductive age, as well as concerns related to child stunting. According to theGlobal Nutrition Report, 28.5% of women aged 15 to 49 years are affected by anaemia, meanwhile 28.9% of children under 5 years of age are affected by stunting. However, the latter figure is lower than the Africa region’s average which is calculated at 29.1%. Also below the regional average is Uganda’s prevalence of wasting among children under 5 years of age, which lies at 3.5% while 6.4% of children across the region are affected. Uganda has shown limited to no progress towards achieving targets set for diet-related non-communicable diseases, such as obesity which affects 8.6% and 1.8% of adult women and men, respectively. These figures, though, do remain under the regional averages of 18.4% for women and 7.8% of men.


Mark Lule

Programme Policy Officer World Food Programme

Governance structure

Membership: Members shall be drawn from registered business associations, corporate bodies, and public-sector agencies involved in food trade, food transportation, food processing and food and nutrition advisory services for nutrition-specific and sensitive actions. Membership shall be based on institutional representation.

The chairperson will select, among the network, staffmembers on a rotational basis of three years, and the chair of the network will host the Secretariat.

The SBN reports to the Multisectoral Nutrition Technical Coordination Committee.

What is SBN doing in SBN Uganda

SBN Uganda’s key role, as specified in their Terms of Reference below, is to mobilise business to act, invest and innovate in responsible and sustainable actions in emerging markets, to improve the consumption of nutritious and safe food for all people in Uganda.

The network’s roles and responsibilities include:

To coordinate and provide an oversight role to all private sector players relevant to nutrition
Facilitate operational linkages with relevant institutions and stakeholders within the private sector
Provide technical assistance to the Office of the Prime Minister on private sector nutrition-related engagements
Identify opportunities to improve the enabling environment for business, to increase action and investments in nutrition
Support quarterly private sector performance reviews on nutrition
Support annual private sector forum on nutrition
Develop and maintain a database of business network members
Carry out social corporate responsibility for nutrition
Advocate and mobilise resources to support nutrition implementation (nutrition research, internships, capacity development, etc.)